31 Jul 2013

South-eastern Europe to harmonise its science policy, innovation

Mićo Tatalović

Science ministries in south-east Europe (SEE) are ushering in an era of greater collaborative research in the region, aiming to harmonise their policies and share their research infrastructure. The hope is that this will help improve their competitiveness with richer counterparts in the EU and further afield.Ministers and officials from 11 countries – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey – signed a joint declaration on Friday in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, outlining new avenues for better collaboration in five areas: infrastructure, policy, research statistics, research networking and science journalism.‘The European Research Area is one big sea, an ocean, from our perspective’Seven of these same countries will also soon establish a regional science strategy, drafted by the World Bank, with the help of working groups from the countries. The new strategy will have the goal of creating two separate funds: one for research excellence and one for innovation. Centres of excellence, a technology transfer facility and a body to put the strategy into practice would also be set up Read the entire article...

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